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Reading in the Science Classroom

Science Courses

Integrating literacy in the science classroom has many benefits. Nancy Romance (2016) found that teaching science conceptually and building prior knowledge before reading boosts students' reading comprehension of scientific texts. 

Examples and Activities

More Ways to Integrate Literacy in the Science Classroom

Jigsaw Groups

Jigsaw groups are a great way for students to participate in content area literacy activities and discuss their findings with their peers.

Group Investigation

Students are provided with inquiry topics. They are given roles and work together to complete research and create a final product.  

Discussion Webs

Discussion webs are an excellent way to promote collaboration in the classroom by allowing students to engage in discussions  a scientific text 

Semantic Maps

Semantic mapping helps students discover the main idea of a scientific text which leads to them having a better understanding of the content they are reading.


  • Romance, N., & Vitale, M. (2016). Implications of a Cognitive Science Model Integrating Literacy in Science on Achievement in Science and Reading: Direct Effects in Grades 3–5 with Transfer to Grades 6–7. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 15(6), 979–995. doi: 10.1007/s10763-016-9721-2

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